Posts and policy
Top EU Judge Says Mass Snooping Is Illegal | CPO Magazine [extern]
Top EU Judge Says Mass Snooping Is Illegal CPO Magazine
WANTED: Delegation policy trainee in Brussels
Trainee – Delegation policy trainee in Brussels
The Delegation of European Pirates in the European Parliament is looking for a trainee based in Brussels, who can help with multitude of tasks, including:
Patrick Breyer on Cryptoleaks: Never trust non-transparent encryption products!
Patrick Breyer, Member of the European Parliament for the Pirate Party, comments the revelations of back doors in encryption products sold by the Swiss Company “Crypto AG” which was set up …
New EU Public Prosecutor’s Office chief says it has insufficient funds and staff | The Parliament Magazine [extern]
Speaking in Parliament, Kövesi said that one particular concern was that the new European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) she leads will have only “part-time” prosecutors. “This simply is not adequate,” she …
New EU Public Prosecutor’s Office chief says it has insufficient funds and staff | The Parliament Magazine [extern]
Laura Kövesi has admitted that the body does not have the “tools” to operate effectively and has demanded a “significant” rise in its budget and an increase in staff.
Negoziati sul sistema dell’UE per il filtraggio dei contenuti terroristici: la situazione attuale [aggiornata al 07 febbraio 2020]
Sono in corso i negoziati in sede di trilogo sul sistema dell’UE per “prevenire la diffusione di contenuti terroristici online”, che potrebbero rendere obbligatori, tra le altre cose, i …
Négociations d’un système de filtrage de contenus à caractère terroriste
Les négociations en trilogue du dispositif européen de prévention de la diffusion de contenus à caractère terroriste en ligne sont en cours et peuvent aboutir, entre autres, à l’obligation …
Pregovori o filterima EU-a za terorističke sadržaje: trenutačno stanje [ažurirano 07. veljača 2020]
U tijeku su pregovori u okviru trijaloga o programu EU-a za sprečavanje „širenja terorističkih sadržaja na internetu”, na temelju kojeg bi, između ostalog, ti filteri mogli postati obvezni.
Las negociaciones sobre el filtrado de contenidos terroristas en la UE: situación actual [actualizado el 07 de febrero de 2020]
Se están llevando a cabo diálogos tripartitos sobre el sistema de la UE para «prevenir la difusión de contenidos terroristas en línea», que podrían, entre otras cosas, hacer obligatorio el uso …