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Pirate MEPs: Puigdemont shall not be prevented from the right to exercise his mandate

European Parliament

Brussels, 14/6/2019After the newly elected Pirate MEPs established their delegation of European Pirates on Wednesday, 12th June, they met the newly elected spanish MEP Carles Puigdemont. He announced his intention to join The Greens/EFA, but also reported Spanish authorities are refusing to recognise his mandate unless he takes an oath in Madrid (where he would immediately be arrested).

“Even if we do not have to agree with all the political activities of Carles Puigdemond, duly elected MEPs must not be prevented from the right to exercise their mandate as representatives serving European citizens,” said European Pirate leader Marcel Kolaja.

Pirates also discussed and agreed with Puigdemont on a program they would like to address in the upcoming period. “It will be about defense against censorship, surveillance, support for online participation and transparency,” Kolaja said.


  • Stefan Thöni

    @patrickbreyer Mit welchen politischen Aktivitäten von Puigdemond sind Piraten-MEPs nicht einverstanden?

  • Patrick Breyer

    Die katalonischen Piraten haben uns berichtet, dass Puigdemonds konservative Partei eine neoliberale Politik vertrete. Ich persönlich sehe außerdem kein völkerrechtliches Recht auf Abspaltung.

  • Stefan Thöni

    @patrickbreyer Interessant. Recht auf Abspaltung sehe ich durch Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker gegeben. Die politische Frage ist aber eher, ob das Recht bestehen sollte. Darauf sollten die Piraten eine klare Antwort haben.

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